Announcements – 09-27-2013
1. In our continuation of Quran recitation during Fajr Salah, Imam Javid is nearing the completion of Surah Yunus. Insha’Allah, we will have our community breakfast after Fajr on Sunday, September 29, 2013. Praying Fajr in the Masjid is a huge blessing by itself. Community breakfast on top of that is a bonus. Iqamah time is 6:10 a.m.
2. We are looking for a maintenance secretary to head our maintenance committee. This someone who will play a coordinator but can be someone who is handy as well. This is a serious commitment to the masjid and the community. If you have extra time and want to dedicate it to Allah’s house, please come forward and contact our vice president, Bilal Vohra.
3. If you would like to be a sponsor for our new ICCL Calendar (which will also get you an ad on our website), please contact our vice president Bilal Vohra immediately. The cutoff date for calendar sponsorship will be Eid Al-Ahda.
4. Alim courses have commenced. For those interested in becoming new students, please contact the office manage
5. Reminder to fulfill Ramadan Donations. As always, please donate generously.