ICCL Expansion Updates

Exterior Renderings: LINK

Interior Renderings: LINK

Conceptual Design Set: LINK

3D Interior Models: LINK

Updated Exterior Renderings: LINK

Building Design

– define expansion program & budget
– building schematic development

– schematic revisions
– final architecture & engineering drawings
– laurel city and county permits

site work

– site (land) assessment
– site plan design
– new traffic study
– storm water management approval
– city planning board approval


Ongoing updates:

  • 12/04/22: Phase 1 Expansion plans presented to the community at the General Body Meeting and feedback received
  • 02/26/23: Expansion meeting held by Board, Planning & Construction committee, and Religious administration to propose updates to expansion design
  • 03/12/23: Expansion meeting held by Board, Planning & Construction committee, and Religious administration to review options for expansion modification
  • 04/14/23: Updated Phase 1 Expansion exterior renderings presented to the community
  • 05/17/23: Trees Clearing and Land Development project for 1.38 acres approved at the City of Laurel hearing
  • 06/01/23: Trees Clearing work by Legend Builders begins on the ICCL property
  • 06/21/23: Trees Clearing work completed by Legend Builders. Applications in process with PG County for Land Development (stormwater and soil grading) of the 1.38 acres.
  • 06/26/23: Meeting held at ICCL with Hercules Fence to review and finalize proposed plan for 4 electronic programmable gates and front and side security fence.
  • 07/04/23: Initial updated Phase 1 Expansion interior layout drawings delivered to the Board, Planning & Construction Committee, Religious Management, Council and School Advisory Panels for evaluation.
  • 08/01/23: Fee paid and application submitted to the city for fence and gate height variance to increase the maximum allowable height from 3.5 feet to 6 feet.
  • 08/02/23: Feedback for proposed interior layout updates provided by ICCL to design architect.
  • 08/11/23: Payment made to PG county for stormwater permit for the 1.38 acre land. Soil grading permit still pending.
  • 08/25/23: Meeting held at ICCL with Structural Engineering firm Munshi Associates, LLC to review proposed structural changes and expansion.
  • 09/06/23: Contract and Agreement of Services signed with Munshi Associates, LLC for stamped/sealed drawings to be delivered to the city upon engineering design completion.
  • 11/19/23: Expansion Fundraising Dinner held at the BWI Marriot, and final exterior renderings and draft interior plans presented to entire audience (around 600 in attendance).
  • 12/21/23: Meeting held at Laurel City Municipal Center with city planners to discuss Storm Water Management pond location and footprint and expansion construction phasing.
  • 01/10/24: Meeting held at Laurel City Municipal Center with city planners to discuss final expansion building footprint and lot coverage.
  • 01/25/24: Phase 1 Conceptual Interior Plans finalized and posted for the community.
  • 02/15/24: Meeting held with ICCL Design Architect, Laurel City chief building official, City planners, and City Fire Marshals to review high-level life safety and code items for the building plans.
  • 05/09/24: Detailed Conceptual Design Set completed and delivered to the Board and Planning & Construction Committee.
  • 08/03/24: 3D Computer Modeling renderings of key interior spaces completed and delivered to the Board and Planning & Construction Committee.
  • 08/30/24: Updated exterior renderings based on final schematic design delivered to the Board for Design Development.

Suggestions and comments accepted via email: expansion@icclmd.org

For questions and feedback email: expansion@icclmd.org

Site updated: 09/03/2024