
Signup to Sponsor an Iftar this Ramadan at ICCL!

Assalaamu Alaykum brothers and sisters,

By the grace and mercy of Allah swt, Ramadan is right around the corner.

For those of you interested in sponsoring an iftar, we have set up an online signup sheet that is first come first serve. 

Please follow the instructions and sign up for a date to sponsor iftar, suhoor and/or community dinner by carefully reading the instructions and completing all of the required fields.

The signup sheet can be found here:

If you are having technical difficulties, or would prefer to have the form filled out in person, please contact the iCCL office manager at301-317-4584.

May Allah swt allow us all to reach Ramadan…ameen!

Khateeb June 20th

There will be two Jumma Prayers this Friday June 20, 2014.

The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm. The second Khutbah begin at 2:00pm.The first Khutbah will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Imam Sheikh Javid Bhaiyat.

The second Khutbah will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Dr. Imtiaz Madni. Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutbah.

Khateeb June 13th.

The Khutbah this Friday June 13, 2014 will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Imam Sheikh Javid Bhaiyat. The Khutbah begins at 1:20pm. Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutbah.

Khateeb June 6th.

The Khutbah this Friday June 06, 2014 will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Brother AbdelRahman Muruphy of Qalam Institute. The Khutbah begins at 1:20pm. Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutbah.

Khateeb May 30th.

The Khutbah this Friday May 30, 2014 will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Imam Sheikh Javid Bhaiyat. The Khutbah begins at 1:20pm. Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutbah.