
Become a Sponsor for the ICCL Picnic!

If you have a business and are interested in being a sponsor for the ICCL Picnic, please send an email to   This is an opportunity to market your business to approximately 1000 people.

Khateeb May 23rd.

The Khutbah this Friday May 23, 2014 will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Imam Sheikh Javid Bhaiyat. The Khutbah begins at 1:20pm. Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutbah.

New Quran Class for Girls and Young Children

ICCL will be starting a new Quran class for girls and young children above the level of Noorani Qaida. For those parents interested, please submit the names of your children along with your contact information to the office manager so that we can appropriately plan and contact you with more information.


This program will start Monday May 19th at 4:30PM

Khateeb May 16th

The Khutbah this Friday May 16, 2014 will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan. The Khutbah begins at 1:20pm.

Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutbah.

Khateeb May 9th

The Khutbah this Friday May 09, 2014 will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Imam Sheikh Javid Bhaiyat. The Khutbah begins at 1:20pm. Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutbah.