
ICCL Academy is now hiring!

If you are interested please email us your resume today to

Khateeb July 30, 2021.

There will be two (2) Jummu’ah prayers this Friday July 30, 2021. The prayers will be outdoors at the big parking lot. Prayer #1. will be led by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan and will in-shaa-Allah begin at 1:30 pm. And Prayer #2. will be led by Hafiz Dr. Jawad Chauhdry which will in-shaa-Allah begin at 2:30 pm.

Khateeb July 23, 2021.

There will be two (2) Jummu’ah prayers this Friday July 23, 2021. The prayers will be outdoors at the big parking lot. Prayer #1. will be led by Mufti Hussain Kamani and will in-shaa-Allah begin at 1:30 pm. And Prayer #2. will be led by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan which will in-shaa-Allah begin at 2:30 pm.

Khateeb July 16, 2021.

There will be two (2) Jummu’ah prayers this Friday July 16, 2021. The prayers will be outdoors at the big parking lot. Prayer #1. will be led by Maulana Sheikh Javid Bhaiyat and will in-shaa-Allah begin at 1:30 pm. And Prayer #2. will be led by Maulana Dr. Abdul Munim which will in-shaa-Allah begin at 2:30 pm.

Dhul Hijah Starts Today, July 11th – Moon Sighted in San Diego, California

As-salaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuhu,

Alhamdulillah, the moon was sighted tonight. Therefore, the 1st day of Dhul-Hijjah 1442 will be on Sunday, July 11th.

The day of Arafah will be on Monday, July 19th. Eid-ul-Adha will be on Tuesday, July 20th.

The Takbeer Tashreeq should be recited after every fard salah from after Fajr on the day of Arafah (Monday, July 19th) to after Asr salah on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah (Friday, July 23rd).

Takbeer Tashreeq is the recitation of:
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La iIlaha iIlAllah
Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa Lillahil Hamd.

Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no deity besides Allah and Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest and all praises are for Allah only.

Reciting Takbeer Tashreeq is wajib (compulsory) after every salah. Men will recite it loudly, and women will recite it softly.

We ask Allah SWT to accept all our acts of worship in these blessed days.

Note: ICCL will follow up with Eid Prayer timings in a separate email. Insha’Allah!

Jakumullahu Khayran,
ICCL Administration