

Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu.

Eid ul Adha prayer will be held at the Laurel Hospital grounds on Sunday, August 11th starting at 8 AM inshaAllah. Details are as follows:

Location: Laurel Hospital grounds (7300 Van Dusen Rd. Laurel MD 20707)

8:00 – 8:10 AM Takbeer
8:10 – 8:30 AM Bayaan
8:30 – 8:40 AM Prayer
8:40 – 8:50 AM Khutbah

* Try to be there 15 minutes early (7:45 AM) to park and get settled in.
* Parking will be available at the hospital, on the left side of the building only (when facing the hospital).
* Try to carpool please, and if the hospital lot is full, then drop off your passengers and park at ICCL.
* There will be a shuttle bus providing transport from ICCL to the hospital and back, from 8 to 10 AM.
* Please follow the instructions of the parking coordinators and police officers on site.
* Bring your own prayer rug to use on top of the tarp, for your comfort.
* Please relay these details to all family and friends who plan on attending.

The weather forecast for Sunday morning is a very pleasant 70 degrees.

We wish you all a very Happy Eid day inshaAllah!Jazakumullahu Khayran,
ICCL Executive Council

Khateeb August 9th.

There will be two Jummu’ah prayers this Friday August 09, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Dr. Imtiaz Madni. 
Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba.

Khateeb August 2nd.

There will be two Jummu’ah prayers this Friday August 02, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Br. Kashif Siddiqui. 
Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba.

Khateeb July 26th.

There will be two Jummu’ah prayers this Friday July 26, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Br. Junaid Ansari. 
Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba.

Khateeb July 19th.

There will be two Jummu’ah prayers this Friday July 19, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Dr. Imtiaz Madni. 
Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba.