
Khateeb May 10th.

There will be two Jummu’ah prayers this Friday May 10, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Wahab Nedaria of Madinatul Uloom Woodbridge, Virginia. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm. The English bayaan part will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Wahab Nadaria, and the Arabic Khutbah part  will (inshaa-Allah) be given by assigned Madinatul Uloom Representative. Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba.

Khateeb May 3rd.

There will be two Jummu’ah prayers this Friday May 03, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Br. Junaid Ansari. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan.
Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba.

Khateeb April 26th.

There will be two Jummu’ah prayers this Friday April 26, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Hafiz Dr. Jawad Chauhdry. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan . Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba.

Khateeb April 19th.

There will be two Jumuah prayers this Friday April 19, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Abdul Hakeem from Darul Uloom, Florida. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm The English bayaan part will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Abdul Hakeem, and Mufti Suleman Sadiq wll give the Arabic Khutbah part . Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba

Khateeb April 12th.

There will be two Jummu’ah prayers this Friday April 12, 2019. The first Khutbah begins at 12:50pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Maulana Sheikh Adil Khan. The second Khutbah begins at 2:00pm and will (inshaa-Allah) be given by Dr. Kashif Yahya. Please come early to obtain the full benefit of the entire Khutba.