Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

The moon WAS sighted on the night of Friday February 28th. Therefore, the first day of Ramadan 1446 will be on Saturday, March 1st.
Taraweeh will begin tonight, Friday February 28th, 2025 after Ishaa prayer inshaAllah.

Jazakumullahu Khayran and Ramadan Kareem.

I’tikaf Sign-Up 2025

I'tikaf Sign-Up form 2025 (Live)

Islamic Community Center of Laurel

(Ramadan 1446) I’tikaf – 2025


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Any brothers intending to stay in I’tikaf must fill this form and read and agree to the conditions below:

  • Remember that you must stay inside the Musallah (green flowery carpet) for the whole time except for making wudu, fard ghusl (obligatory shower), or using the restroom. Men’s side water fountain is outside of the Musallah and thus should not be used by individuals sitting for Sunnah I’tikaf.
  • Only those in I’tikaf can eat/drink in the Masjid. Everyone must have an intention of I’tikaf to be permitted to eat and drink in the Masjid. Food will be provided for them inside the prayer area. No outside food/drink is allowed without prior approval from the Food Coordinator. Additionally, no one should enter the food pantry without permission from the Food Coordinator. Please remember to participate in serving and cleaning. Please make sure that crumbs/trash are completely clean after meals
  • Remember to abstain from worldly talk and to respect the Masjid and other worshippers at all times. Please be mindful of fellow worshippers’ rights/huquq.
  • Please make sure bathrooms remain clean and dry after use. It is a good habit to leave behind a cleaner bathroom than the way you found it. Try to keep yourself as pure as possible, and the Masjid.
  • All of those intending to sleep in the masjid should have a thick blanket or sleeping bag to lay on the ground in addition to something to cover themselves while sleeping (Thin sheets are not acceptable). Sleeping zones and areas will be assigned and coordinated by ICCL administration. All bedding and bags must be folded and put aside between Asr prayer until after Tarawih every day.
  • Those staying in I’tikaf are required to adhere to the schedule of events posted or stated by ICCL administration.
  • Please remember to compensate the Masjid for any utility use (electricity, water etc) and for the snack/drink preparations.

By signing this form, I agree to follow all I’tikaf and ICCL rules and regulations to the best of my ability.  I understand that failure to do so may unfortunately result in me being asked to leave I’tikaf.

ICCL I’tikaf Rules & Regulations

  1. A copy of a valid driver's license, or a state issued identification card is needed from those who plan to sit in I’tikaf.
  2. A registration form must be filled out online and submitted.
  3. Please park your vehicles in big parking lot.
  4. If anyone fights will be asked to leave (no exception)
  5. You must be 16 years or older to be permitted to sit in I’tikaf.
  6. Children must be accompanied by father/guardian.
  7. Children are not allowed to bring electronics and play video games or watch movies.
  8. Children must pray with congregation.
  9. Fathers/guardians must ensure the safety of children
  10. If you are staying in nafl I'tikaf, you must sleep in a separate designated area from those who are in Sunnah I'tikaf.
  11. Only One Piece of luggage per person is permitted while in I’tikaf in the masjid.
  12. All sleeping bags MUST be placed towards the back of the musallah and by Maghrib prayers all items MUST be in the designated storage areas.
  13. No mattresses permitted in the masjid, please use sleeping bags.
  14. No family members are allowed in the designated are for I’tikaf during sahoor and Iftar.
  15. Must help and participate in serving food and clean up.
  16. Make sure to eat on the sheet to prevent dirt coming on the masjid carpet.

All individuals in I’tikaf are required and expected to fully cooperate with masjid staff.

Failure to comply with these rules and regulations may unfortunately lead to an individual being asked to leave I’tikaf.

7306 Contee Rd, Laurel MD, 20707 Tel: 301-317-4584 Fax: 301-725-8762 Web: Email:
